Books We Love: Barbara Barry’s “Around Beauty”

If we could learn by example, then Barbara Barry’s new book, Around Beauty, teaches us that simple elegance can indeed be beautiful.  Her rooms are so deceptively simple, they tempt us to say “Anybody could’ve done that!”

Image courtesy Barbara Barry Inc

But look more closely, and you’ll notice the many subtleties that set them apart.  Against the backdrop of her muted colors, the textures and details of each piece really pop.

Image courtesy Barbara Barry Inc

In the midst of her harmonious settings, each piece of furniture, art, or pillow seems to have its own story to tell.  Some look antiqued with history, while others look a little more chic than what we’re normally used to, but none of them scream out at you. They’re just interesting enough to keep your eye a moment longer.  And after a while, you appreciate how every piece of the puzzle plays a crucial role in the whole picture.  The result? Brilliant, sophisticated rooms that instantly feel classic and comfortable.

Like her work, the book itself has an understated and elegant feel.  Even though Barbara Barry has designed everything from homes to furniture to rugs, she waited until the timing was just right to put together her very first book.  The result speaks for itself.  Whether you’re just starting to learn about design or an avid fan, this book deserves a place in your library, as it does in ours.

Barbara Barry “Around Beauty”

To learn more about the inspirations behind this book, watch this video, narrated by Barbara herself.