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What Are the Different Rug Construction Types?
While hand knotted rugs are the most prestigious and best known, the majority of rugs in people’s homes are less expensive constructions, like hand tufted or machine-made rugs. This will help you understand more about the main construction types, including their durability, defining characteristics, and how they’re made.
At Last: Supple, Beautiful, Stain-Resistant Cotton Tablecloths
Have you ever worried about serving your favorite wines with dinner because they could stain your tablecloths? Or inviting your best friends’ children over for a sit-down meal because Joey is (ahem) a little messy? Well, believe it or not, some genius scientists in Switzerland were listening, and they came up with a solution that did…
Are You Ready for the Vermont Lifestyle of Simon Pearce and Farmhouse Pottery?
Have you ever wanted to just leave the city? You’re sick and tired of it all and can’t do another conference call. So you drive, drive, drive. All of a sudden, there are no more billboards. No more big box stores. No more fast food joints.
Guide to Area Rug Materials
For more detailed information, please see Understanding Area Rugs: Materials and Construction. [table id=2 /]
Guide to Area Rug Construction
For more detailed information, please see Understanding Area Rugs: Materials and Construction. [table id=1 /]
21 Easy Tips for Caring for Your Linens and Bedding
Don’t you love the fresh scent and smooth feel of new linens? Would you like to keep them looking and feeling fresh year after year? Here are our favorite common sense tips to help keep your linens beautiful:
Planning Your Wedding? 7 Gift Registry Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make
Do you realize that creating a gift registry is probably your first official act as a married couple? The ring, the dress, and the thousand details of your wedding are all for The Big Day. With the gift registry, though, you’re telling the world jointly how you plan to live after you get married. Unfortunately, it could…