Did you ever chase butterflies as a child? Or collect a jar full of lightning bugs on a summer evening? I’ll bet you never thought of it as a day job! For artist Christopher Marley, it’s a career. Marley’s work brings a fresh perspective to both the disciplines of design and insect collecting, combining the two for a unique collection known as Pheromone. Bright beetles, creepy katydids, and pretty butterflies are displayed with an eye towards form and composition.
We think the collection is pretty amazing, so we were excited when Pheromone posted these videos of some behind the scenes bug collecting with the artist himself. We just had to share them with you!
If you’re not familiar with Pheromone, this interview from Seattle’s King 5 Evening Magazine is a nice introduction. Artist Christopher Marley talks about the inspiration behind the pieces, and how they’re composed and assembled.
The second video is our favorite. It’s a bit long, but hang in there for an awesome bug find at the end! We’d hereby like to nominate the talented Mr. Marley for an episode of Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe. Until then, check out this great behind the scenes video from the folks at Pheromone, showing a bit of what goes into the making of a beautiful Pheromone piece. Warning – this video has graphic images of Big Scary Bugs!
As you can see, the Pheromone art is truly a labor of love, even through the less than glamorous parts. Thanks to the folks at Pheromone for posting these fascinating videos. If you love the look, you can view and order the art from our website at www.GraciousStyle.com.
We can’t resist sharing a few of our favorite pieces:

To take home all of the bugs in one place, check out the Pheromone book, available at Amazon.com.
Which Pheromone piece is your favorite?
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