What’s So Special About Giza 45 Sheets?

You may have heard about Sferra’s Giza 45 bedding, called the “world’s finest” sheets. But are they really the world’s finest? What’s so great about them? The answer lies in the name.

Giza 45 isn’t just a fancy name. It actually refers to the quality of the cotton fibers used to weave the sheets. Giza refers to the Giza region of Egypt, where the cotton is grown and harvested. The “45” is a grade – cotton is graded based on the length and thickness of the fibers.

Longer, finer fibers make softer thread, which in turn makes softer sheets. The superior Giza 45 grade is given to less than ½ of one percent of Egyptian cotton thread produced each year. Spun from the finest cotton in the world, they truly are the world’s finest sheets.

Giza 45 cotton is the same cotton used in the finest men’s dress shirts, so if you’ve ever felt one of those very high-end shirts, you have an idea of just how soft and silky these sheets are. Sferra makes Giza 45 sheets in three styles: percale (with a light, crisp feel), sateen (soft and shiny like satin), and jacquard (woven with a pattern).

Giza 45 Percale and Sateen
Giza 45 Percale and Sateen Bedding
Giza 45 Jacquard Bedding
Giza 45 Jacquard Bedding

You might be wondering what the thread count of these wonderful sheets is. Actually, the thread count is not the best measure of quality. A sheet can have a high thread count, but be made from lesser quality thread. As the Giza 45 sheets are made with the world’s finest thread, the thread count is irrelevant – and Sferra won’t reveal what it is. Give the Giza 45 sheets a try, and we bet you won’t care about the thread count, either.


One response to “What’s So Special About Giza 45 Sheets?”

  1. What a great post about the worlds finest Egyptian, long staple cotton. There seems to be lots of misunderstanding about the thread count and the TRUE quality of fine cottons. Thanks for posting this great information!

    Mariette’s Back to Basics


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